No Jobs Left Behind…

Granholm plans to announce today here in Traverse City that the No Worker Left Behind program will put more effort into preparing laid-off workers for alternative energy careers. <Insert Applause here> Sigh…

Whatever happened to free markets? When the chief executive of our state “carves out” $6,000,000.00 for her “Green Jobs Initiative” to promote job training in alternative energy industries including wind, solar and biofuels, she is not really taking a large portion of the budget, but people peeing in a bucket might provide better opportunities for Michigan’s remaining workforce.  The introduction of artificial GOVERNMENT based incentives to join particular lines of work is a flawed solution. And AT BEST it merely allows some companies ALREADY in existence to get a break in their training costs.  ie: “Granholm’s office said that Biotech Agronomics, a Beulah company that converts wastewater sludge into usable materials for agriculture, already has hired five No Worker Left Behind graduates for such jobs”

A POO hauling company which sprays your fertilizer all over the ground to make your food..  mmm yummy!  (and green) oh yeah that IS essentially peeing in a bucket… well kinda

OK, perhaps we shouldn’t complain about the no worker left behind program too much, since Michigan’s portion of the bill is a small part of the 170 million dollar package mostly paid by the federal government… oh yeah wait.. we pay THOSE taxes too..  and also for every other state’s “build a better world,” or “employ my baby sitter after the kids turned 12” programs.

You know I gotta tell you, it is hard keeping up with all this generosity.

Michigan however, has the unique juxtaposition of having a “green” Governor, and the needs of a balanced (NOT GREEN) economy.  While Michigan’s tourism is an important part of the economy, keeping a few hundred thousand manufacturing jobs in the state is far more important. The recent “green” movement has resulted in the loss of many of the highest paying jobs in the state, and along with an unyielding big labor death grip the manufacturers who created those jobs cannot adjust to remain competitive. (think along the lines of a drowning person who kills self and would be savior)

We cannot afford “special programs” for retraining.  We cannot afford any more of the “green” atmosphere which has become so pervasive in recent culture.  With Granholm types in the national legislature, and Granholm types in office in Michigan, there isn’t a job retraining program in the world that can ultimately keep up with them.  there is too TOP HEAVY a government we carry, and if it continues, the REAL job creation might be the ever growing of carrying buckets for the “Roman” elite.