Tag: Michigan

Traverse City Tea Party Events

I am going to be on the bus headed to Lansing (still a few seats left) But Traverse City will still have some Tea Party Activity happening.. Matt Schoech has updated the below information for the traverse City events.

Traverse City Bus To Lansing Update

Michigan Tax Day Tea Party transportation to Lansing on a 46 seat bus 3/4 full – A few seats left as of this writing.  If you have been thinking about plunking down the 30 Bucks, click on the link in…

Tea Party Updates 04-03-09

From SE Michigan: The first rally on Haggerty and Six is moving to Haggerty Road and Seven Mile!!!! Due to the great response we are getting, we are moving our rally on Haggerty Road north to Seven Mile Road.  There may…

How ready we really are – A Tea Party Installment

We forget sometimes how much like ourselves others think. There are quite a few people who were ready to stand up and protest yet were not ready to stick their necks out if they thought they would be doing it…

Tea Party Lansing Bus Trip Emails

Mail Server back up! Conveniently, just prior to the Radio interview on WTCM, my email server failed. I apparently have lost a few emails sent, as even the test mails are not showing up. Please Feel free to re send…

Joe the Plumber Scheduled for LANSING RALLY!!

THIS JUST IN!!! Americans for Prosperity-Michigan has arranged for Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher to speak at the rally.  This is your opportunity to meet an ordinary man who was not afraid to publicly question a national politician. What: Michigan Taxpayer…

Houston, we have a GO!

I have pulled the trigger, burned up my credit card limit and  reserved the 46 seat luxury cruiser to take us from Traverse City To Lansing on April 15, 2009 for the Tax Day Tea party!! Consider that you wont…

More Tea Parties Throughout Michigan April 15, 2009

The tea is brewing in Michigan. April 15 is creeping up on us, and frankly.. I am looking forward to it.  Not because I like to pay taxes to an overly authoritarian big spending government.  Not because I like to…


Organizing a 45 seat bus.    Cost Approx $40/person  Will Depart TC approx 8 AM Return Immediately following Tea Party Rally!! Leave comment, I will use your email to contact you. $40 based on 25-30 ppl.. if we fill the…