Tag: Michigan

Petoskey Tea Party – (Reposted as a reminder)

It appears we will again have the honor of seeing the man who would dare ask the honest question of candidate Barack Obama: “Isn’t that Socialism?” A Tea Party is brewing in Northern Michigan, with “Joe the Plumber” Friday, May…

Petoskey Michigan Tea Party Steps Up!

It appears we will again have the honor of seeing the man who would dare ask the honest question of candidate Barack Obama: “Isn’t that Socialism?” A Tea Party is brewing in Northern Michigan, with “Joe the Plumber” Friday, May…

Santa Pulling His Sleigh With Jackalopes

Michigan’s recent energy policy shift.. Consumers and DTE saw it coming, and lobbied heavily for the return to a fewer number of providers. And even though it may have put them under the thumb of regulators, they would have been…

More Traverse City Tea Party Photos

These brought to us by Steven Call Steven notes the special photo of the “WWII vet who served in North Africa and Italy including Anzio.  A treasure!  It was an honor to shake his hand and thank him for his…

Interesting Ideas… Interesting Flag

Jeff McQueen of Rochester Hills, Michigan has given us another picture of the Tax Day Tea Party Rally in Lansing.  He points out a particular spot in the picture has an American flag which has a unique characteristic.  In the…

Lansing Tea Party Pictures

Completing the work of the Government who will Log and list these Right Wing Extremists in their files.  Enjoy! Note some of the signs are a little more pointed than others. I have fun taking the pictures with all the…

WOW.. what a perfect Tea Party day..

Through some sort of providence, the day which started as a question mark became one of the best days I have had in many years.  The sun came out, the traffic was OK, and the bus we chartered from Traverse…

Its 04-15-09 ..Tea Party time Michigan!

I could hardly sleep.  What better, than knowing you are helping to restore the confidence of the people in that ability to reign in the seemingly out of control Government. Plan on attending at least one of the MICHIGAN tea…

Last Call for the TRAVERSE CITY Bus to LANSING

Trying to wrap up the space details, and though we may have a couple of seats left, I am hoping to nail down the exact group.  I have sent out an itinerary to those who have already reserved, and expect…

Attending the Tea Parties as a Partisan?.. NO

There has been speculation by many on both sides that the Tea Party Events are “Republican” events.  The “proof” being that there are “a lot of Republicans attending,” or the fact the Kent County Republicans is sponsoring a tea party. …