Tag: Michigan

Michigan Teachers Should FIRE the MEA.

While it may seem that the MEA has done great things for educators in its bludgeoning of Michigan lawmakers over the last few days, the end result might well be a snap back, that makes more glaringly obvious the over…

Mackinac Debate Topic Regional Workshop In Traverse City

More Than 130 Michigan High School Debaters to Attend National Debate Topic Regional Workshop in Traverse City Students can vie for $1,000 college scholarship offered by the Mackinac Center MIDLAND — More than 130 students and teachers are scheduled to…

Leadership failure leads to shutdown, among other things

Michigan has a snow day.. in September.  Yes its Cold, but not THAT type of Snow day.. Michigan Assistant House Republican Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, issued the following statement after failure of legislative leaders to reach a balanced budget…

Michigan Not likely To See A Budget Tonight.

As it turns out MIRS is reporting that the governor is not expected to sign ANY bill given to her tonight, and that she has requested a continuation budget that would allow her to read whatever it is that the…

Michigan Budget Worry… OH NO! Not the GOP!!??

From the Mackinac Center:  Apparently there are a number of Republicans spoiling on the vine???  IF THESE ARE YOUR GUYS CALL THEM and FIND OUT: House GOP K-12 Defectors Identified? By Mr. Kenneth M. Braun | 9/30/2009 5:23 PM The…

Time to Storm The Castle…

A message from Jack Hoogendyk, who was there in 2007 and knows how these things happen.. I served in the legislature six years. I know how it works. Every day when the legislature is in session, the lobbyists hang out,…

Buy Elections Much?

Maybe you aren’t getting what you paid for? A recent posting at RightMichigan.com reveals the measures used by some politicians to “buy” a position under a particular party banner. The student who was brought in as “support” for a candidate’s…

No Tax Hike – Hall Of Fame.. And Storming The Castle..

Worth looking at true leadership willing to stand with the citizens and taxpayers on this go round. Visit the No Tax Hike Hall of Fame.. And then there is this from Jack Hoogendyk, who was there 2 years ago ringing…

What Kind Of Tax Increases Will They Be???

This is how the brilliance of the left solves problems like HIGH Medical costs…  At least a couple of good conscience are standing up for us..  Of all the insane, untimely, insipid, (add your own here) ideas…. GOP blasts Democrats’…

Patriots on Lansing Steps In An Impromtu Tea Party… And then..

A two  day pull together as the Michigan Senate was working the weekend to solve the state’s budget woes.  These Patriots below broke away from their traditional Sunday affairs, to make sure our Michigan Senate fully understands that more taxes…