Tag: Michigan

Rally Tomorrow February 03, 2010

It may be cold, but the fire is still burning as there will be a tea party at the capitol. Former Representative Jack Hoogendyk writes: Come show Lansing that the light of liberty still burns brightly in the hearts of…

State Of The State.

If you haven’t heard, Michigan has been in a recession.   In fact, it has been an ongoing problem for about 5 or 6 years.  The funny thing is, though the country is now getting a taste of what Michigan has…

Michigans 9th Congressional District Announcement – TOMORROW!

HEALTHCARE FREEDOM ‘TEA PARTY’ TO BE HELD IN CONGRESSMAN GARY PETERS’ NEIGHBORHOOD Concerned Citizens will Gather to Rally Against Socialized Medicine and FOR Consumer Choice in Health Care Tomorrow, Saturday, January 30, 2010, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, a…

Michigan's 1st Congressional District Announcement – TOMORROW

TEA PARTY CONGRESS for Michigan’s 1st Congressional District Saturday, January 30, 2010 – Saint Ignace, Michigan 2:00 P.M. to Completion of Business, E.S.T. Quality Inn – U.S. Highway 2 913 Boulevard Drive, Saint Ignace, MI 49781 906-643-9700 For Google Map…

MI Fair Tax President Speaks Out.

Political Establishment is Out of Touch – Roger Buchholtz Scott Brown’s Massachusetts victory demonstrates the disconnect between voters and the Republican and Democratic Party establishment that has been in evidence for some time now.  That view was validated in two…

14.3 Trillion Debt approved in the US Senate

On Straight party line votes the Democrat Senators voted to continue allowing our debt to spiral out of control.  This group included our own Senators Levi and Stabenow.  Malkin posts the entire list and vote record for this incredible legislative…

§ 10 Limitations on terms of office of members of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate from Michigan.

In our State Constitution.  Clearly instruction was given to our sitting senator Carl Levin.. He just didn’t quite get the hint.  Of course nothing new with the miscreant who ignores the will of the people for his political interests. OF…

Boycott Michigan Government.

If anything says “we own you, and can do with your payment what we will” it would be the recent theft from contracted workers through a Union scam. The state of Michigan has played its hand.  By arbitrarily removing union…

What is a "Meat Puppet?"

I have made reference to Debbie Stabenow as a “Meat Puppet” in prior posts. For the most part it is so very hard to NOT simply title such a person with an appropriate title. I would like to be clear…

Jokers All Around!

I couldn’t help myself..   Once these folks assume their seats in the senate they lose sight of their Senatorial Oaths.  You know.. The one that goes like this: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend…