Tag: Michigan

MI Supreme Court Says Appeals Court Has Some Explaining To Do

Court of Appeals will have to elaborate on six-word denial issued last December MIDLAND — In a unanimous order yesterday, the Michigan Supreme Court remanded the day care unionization case Loar v. DHS to the Michigan Court of Appeals for…

10th Amendment Tea Party 10-10-10 In Lansing -UPDATED

10-10-10 in Support of the 10th Amendment – (Copied from From Grassroots in Michigan) Michigan Patriots!! Join your fellow Michigan patriots as we support our 10th Amendment Sovereignty rights against Unconstitutional Federal over reach such as ObamaCare, a prime example…

A Good Event On 911

I was fortunate to be able to assist and attend the swearing in of a number of Air Force recruits at the Coast Guard Base in Traverse City, MI. This was not open to the general public, and I felt…

Hillsdale Tea Party Re-Scheduled

HILLSDALE TEA PARTY THURSDAY SEPT 9 ~ DOORS OPEN AT 5 PM DAWN (ROXY) THEATER, HILLSDALE If you are concerned about where our country is headed, we encourage you to attend our Tea Parties. What do you know about our…

Some Tea Party Related Must Reads

Wendy Day discusses the effect of the true tea party types that have energized Michigan politics in the last 18 months: “First, people get it. The mainstream media can deny and minimize the liberty movement that has been ignited across…

MI GOP Convention In Pictures

Arriving at 7AM to the Breslin Center at MSU, there was already a great amount of activity going on.. Signs were up along the pathways leading up to the building, and some campaigns were preparing for their floor marches in…

Character and Consequence

Re-posted FROM, and AT Rightmichigan.com There is no question that motivated conservatives, traditionalists, (whatever you want to call them) etc., who associate themselves with the still growing tea party movement, have made a difference. Long time Democrats and Republicans both…

Mopping Up Bad Tea.

~ cross posted from RedState.com ~ The fake tea party in Michigan has been dealt a pretty serious blow, and will have to pursue its ambition to deceive voters by taking its case to court, represented by one Michael Hodge.…