Tag: Michigan

Michigan Legislative Tracker Feb 1 2011

Alrighty then! Common sense in allocating finite assistance, annexation rules changes, sign limitations.. bullying law, expansions of driver responsibility fees, unemployment modifications, and a contribution by state employee adjustment. And then even more. That is just a taste..  but one…

MI Legislature Daily Tracker

I’m going to try something a little different. Of course any of you can check the journal from the state (from where I will be gathering this info) but hopefully, this makes it a little easier to find on a…

Virtual Self Determination

From the Mackinac Center Study: Virtual Learning Can Improve Student Outcomes and Save Money Michigan should expand leadership role in online education; thousands of K-12 students currently participate in hundreds of online programs throughout the state, but unnecessary restrictions limit…

Why Did The Granholm Cross The Road?

To get another taxpayer funded job. Sadly this joke of a former governor is going to spread her ‘expertise’ on job creation to young minds of mush at UC Berkely. Seen in multiple news reports, including those at Michille Malkin’s…


Number$$$… As the “Boomers” begin their journey into the age of Social Security, let’s do a little exercise in the numbers using our tried and true “old Math”… We all realize that the money we will be getting from the…

Mackinac Center State Of State Rankings

Governor’s First State of the State Address Includes Nine Proposed Government Expansions, Three Limitations Snyder’s speech a ‘mixed bag,’ said author of annual tally MIDLAND — Gov. Rick Snyder’s 2011 State of the State address included nine proposed expansions of…

Details and analysis on the State of The State

Tally of Proposed Government Expansions and Limitations in State of the State Address Available Wednesday Night Mackinac Center experts available before and after for analysis of public-sector benefits, regulatory reform, economic development, budget, education and other proposals MIDLAND — Mackinac…

Recovery Dot Gov

A Picture of a fine home in Detroit.  The Billions spent on ‘make work’ programs and projects have as much effect as what might happen if the government was to attempt a fully financed urban renewal.  In fact, if one…

The 17th Amendment Mistake

The 17th amendment is unconstitutional. While we recognize the ability of super majorities and the process in which the constitution itself might be modified, there is a strong sense of intent that must not be ignored.  The founders understood how…

Prayers for our friend Arne

One of the founders of the Traverse Bay 912 group is in the ICU at Munson hospital. Arne Sarya is a true constitutionalist and a friend to the region, and country. He has helped to bring together a number of…