Originally posted at RightMichigan.com Things are looking brighter in our great lakes state. Unless, of course, one wants to use a light bulb to make it so. A demand for engineers in Michigan: “Andrew Watt says he figures the shelf…
Tag: electricity
EPA Puts Michigan Jobs At Risk
EPA Puts Crosshairs On Michigan Obama Admin Takes Rent Seeking To A New Level. (Cross posted from RightMichigan.com) I have been adding to this all week, and have tried to make it as concise as possible, but as more information…
The math.. just do the math I say! On an average day in Traverse city Michigan, there are 11 hours of daylight. Obviously, winter and summer months differ significantly, but if one wanted to calculate the mean between the seasons,…
Clean Coal “It Works” Van In Lansing Today
In all likelihood, we will be relying on coal for our electrical needs for the next 100 years. Between a “green” movement to close and remove dams, restore rivers, and eliminate THAT clean technology and a green movement to eliminate…
WHO WILL PAY MORE? Michigan Electricity Part II
Futlon Sheen commenting on the passage and explains his NAY vote:
Failure to learn = Failure to lead. Michigan Electricity part 1
We found out that along with the Democrats, there were enough Republicans who so quickly forget recent lessons when dealing with energy issues, that Michigan is going to go backwards.. … again.