The last line in this ad by the Republican Governors OK. it was “I have done a TERRIFIC job”
In late June, General Electric’s CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, was in Michigan announcing an investment where GE will bring 1,100 jobs to the Michigan economy. He had a few things to say.. A selection of his quotables below.. along with a…
All through the morning I have been looking at slow moving inventory, and considering the slow receivables, and began considering markdowns and elimination of entire product lines. As I considered the cost of keeping some items on the shelf I…
“Is there a Ford in our presence?” An article at the Mackinac examines center compares results and conditions of then and now with regard to government interference in the free markets. This is the point being made in The Big…
I am assembling material for The Michigan Survival Guide – Coping in a “Left/Liberal” Depression. It will be available free here on Michigan Taxes Too Much in PDF format when finished. It will have tips and tricks to cut costs,…
Gasoline for cars Bowls Fishing line Diesel for cars, and ships Fertilizer Tennis rackets Heating fuel Explosives Roller blades Aviation fuel for planes Car tires Eye glasses Credit cards Artificial turf Lunch boxes Plastic bags Boots Shoes Flower pots Hair…