Tag: Detroit


Destructive End Through Radically Obtuse Ideological Tenets  See? Easy.. We aren’t through. You have a few more days to add your own politically based acronyms. Did I mention FREE STUFF? Yeah, its a marketing tool. My REAL life is calling.…

CAFE du Carol Browner

Malkin has commented on Browner before, and now reports.. Carol Browner, former Clinton administration EPA head and current Obama White House climate czar, instructed auto industry execs “to put nothing in writing, ever” regarding secret negotiations she orchestrated regarding a…

Thou Shalt Not Kill

Thou Shalt not do Murder, Thou shalt not Murder.. But Thou shalt not “snitch?” “Detroit’s clergy roused itself Wednesday, as it is wont to do when too many children are gunned down in too short a time, and pledged to…


Trying to run a business, deal with employee issues, government, etc.. Writing currently at a minimum. If you are interested in Michigan Veterans issues you might look at the reduction of field office personnel in the state as an eye…

Detroit's renewal might be solved by a great citizenship boondoggle

Detroit has had its population shrink over the last several years. Decay, driven by a shrinking manufacturing base and lack of leadership in Detroit and Lansing have allowed this once great metropolis to achieve full blown bankrupt third world status…

Detroit, look around you.

Because all you see is about to be owned by the federal government. As your property values dropped, your homeowners couldn’t sell.  Small business failed as it couldn’t meet the obligations as Michigan taxes rose, and populations dropped, and the…

Michigan doesnt know it yet, but…

Guess what?  Did you know that, but for a few unique pockets within the state of Michigan, home values have gone down?  Not only in Detroit, where average values have dropped by 40% or more, but also throughout the rest…

Kwame Bobblehead Coming Soon!

With all of his recent court activity, tethered or not tethered, and whether he will make it to the convention to spoil it for Obama? His head has GOT to be spinning… Hmm  stare for a while ..it is somewhat…