What better way to highlight the differences between candidates, than to have their positions out front and in contrast to each other. The news cycle is not so generous as to allow the ideas of challengers compare directly to those…
If you haven’t heard, Michigan has been in a recession. In fact, it has been an ongoing problem for about 5 or 6 years. The funny thing is, though the country is now getting a taste of what Michigan has…
This is how the brilliance of the left solves problems like HIGH Medical costs… At least a couple of good conscience are standing up for us.. Of all the insane, untimely, insipid, (add your own here) ideas…. GOP blasts Democrats’…
There has been speculation by many on both sides that the Tea Party Events are “Republican” events. The “proof” being that there are “a lot of Republicans attending,” or the fact the Kent County Republicans is sponsoring a tea party. …
There are some things which set me off. First it was the Shoenke phony front group for gun control “The American Hunters and Shooters organization spouting off in my neck of the woods with the highly suspect “Obama doesn’t want…
Much in the way I refer to Liberal talking points as stupid, uninformed lead paint related, thoughtless and idiotic, the left cannot disassociate anything that comes from the right as being anything but HATE. “Those haters, the Republicans, the conservatives,…
Bill Milliken quoted as being: “disappointed by McCain’s personal attacks on Democratic opponent.” Oh gosh.. Golly gee sorry that we aren’t allowed to attack “The One.” Let me point out another quote.. One that few have heard him say, though…
The Mark Schauer Campaign has decided to do what seems to be the new standard for the Democrat party. If they do not have a good message of their own, they lie. Tim Walberg, one of FEW who did not…
The Industrial Policy Blog references a news article ,and notes the state of Michigan is spending another $30 million to advertise Michigan as a tourist destination. The author points out correctly, that this is not the first time Michigan has…