34 search results for "agenda 21"

Dems Say Goodbye to Their Constituencies

The  Democrat party has been waving goodbye to Women, Blacks, Children, and Handicappers though this entire election cycle.  All  these groups which the Democrat party has claimed to champion, are being disrespected by the liberal MSM, Obama himself, and all…

Michigan Teamster Whines Way Into Obama Convention.

Two things..  “whine” and “Obama Convention,” both designed to inspire curiosity and perhaps a little comment juice.  The following from Michigan Messenger: As a nod to union workers, Sen. Barack Obama has chosen a Teamsters union official from Taylor, Michigan,…

On the "Imagine" Fund…

How best do we provide for that which we support? That is really the question which is asked when someone decides to create a “non profit” fund, or organization designed to “help” or “assist” a particular group or cause. Chetly…

I Smell a RAT.

Michigan has new vermin. This particular “rodent” is invasive, highly intelligent, and well funded. NO I’m not talking about Andy Dillon and his thugs, rather it is the the Center for Climate Strategies. They are already infesting the administration of…