My Own, posted on a blog somewhere…. “I stand by my assertion that the manipulation of the perpetually stupid is a successful enterprise of the Democrats.” Yeah.. I said it.
United States Victory In Iraq November 22, 2008
Why not? November 22, 2008 United States Victory in Iraq Fact is, the numbers reflect it, and the incoming administration won’t claim it. Our troops served us honorably and well. We should thank those veterans of Iraq when we see…
Tomorrow is Victory in Iraq Day
November 22nd is Victory in Iraq Day. By every measure, The United States and coalition forces have conclusively defeated all enemies in Iraq, pacified the country, deposed the previous regime, successfully helped to establish a new functioning democratic government, and…
If you say you'll be different.. be different.
The most frustrating thing for conservatives who want to make the Republican party strong, and move intelligent public policy along is that often its hard to find a candidate who will actually stick to their guns when finally given the…
As we attempt to sort out which businesses are too big to fail.. Please consider reading Walter William’s take on it. I think it just need to be repeated. ..and repeated.
Privatizing Michigan… For the WIN!!!
After the last two articles, the first: Privatizing the automakers, and yesterday’s: Privatizing the Unions.. I assumed there might be an eye open to another unique solution.. What about selling off the roads, rehabilitation and human services of Michigan? Unheard…