Busy times

Considering a bus to the July 4th Lansing Tea Party..  However, even if I don’t charter a bus, I will certainly be there.  Its worth the drive. I expect it will be a decent turn out, and following the Tea…


Is this how it is with our government now?  Is it acceptable at all.. in the slightest? “It’s over. The president doesn’t negotiate second rounds,” Feldman said. “We’ve given and lent billions of dollars to your team, so your team…


A simple concept of the founders which inspired the revolution in this country;  Ownership.  Private property, things both physical, and intellectual that we have worked for, sacrificed for, and accumulated, belongs to us and government’s role is to protect our…

Fraud upon Michigan and the poor.

Our economy is the victim of fraud.   The “green” movement, a bastardization of a reasonable desire to have clean air, water, and living environments, using CO2 as the culprit for warming has been responsible for over reaching legislation, and the…