We have the highest share of uninformed voters, misleading public servants, and possibly more thuggery in this state than anywhere else in the union. Our record, this “thing” speaks for itself (Resa Ipse Loquitor) as over the last 6 years…
Cuomo charging BoA and former execs with fraud
Well, it turns out that Andrew Cuomo, the AG of New York, is charging Bank of America and former executives with fraud. So where the hell is the charge against Paulson and Bernanke since they railroaded Ken Lewis into acting…
Its five years.. Almost.
Tonight we protest the lamest duck. Governor Jennifer Granholm will be remembered as Michigan’s worst governor.. ever. She is the poster child for the new democrats, the far left socialist, control and micro manage fairness crowd. Here, and in other…
Rally Tomorrow February 03, 2010
It may be cold, but the fire is still burning as there will be a tea party at the capitol. Former Representative Jack Hoogendyk writes: Come show Lansing that the light of liberty still burns brightly in the hearts of…
State Of The State.
If you haven’t heard, Michigan has been in a recession. In fact, it has been an ongoing problem for about 5 or 6 years. The funny thing is, though the country is now getting a taste of what Michigan has…
Michigans 9th Congressional District Announcement – TOMORROW!
HEALTHCARE FREEDOM ‘TEA PARTY’ TO BE HELD IN CONGRESSMAN GARY PETERS’ NEIGHBORHOOD Concerned Citizens will Gather to Rally Against Socialized Medicine and FOR Consumer Choice in Health Care Tomorrow, Saturday, January 30, 2010, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, a…