It is pretty pointed, and is powerful. I am curious which movie score the music comes from.
Cops gone wild, and no, you can’t videotape them
One of the writers for Reason Magazine that I like to follow is Radley Balko. His focus is mostly on, well, Cops acting like d-bags and other assorted lunacy when it comes to law enforcement. Although his “best known” stuff…
Because I Need A Laugh.
Battle Stations.. or am I just a bit crazy? (Anna Lambert)
With the victory of Rick Snyder as the “Republican” candidate comes the disgusting situation of having the choice between the honest Liberal who admits he’s a Democrat (Bernero) and the Democrat who wears a Republican name tag (Snyder). Are we…
Victory Balloons.
Ummm… isn’t this illegal?
Another gem from the Wall Street Journal: Craig Taffaro, president of St. Bernard Parish, has issued an executive order to stop any transfer of clean-up equipment out of the parish, which lies east of New Orleans. … On Friday, Plaquemines…