Battle Stations.. or am I just a bit crazy? (Anna Lambert)

With the victory of Rick Snyder as the “Republican” candidate comes the disgusting situation of having the choice between the honest Liberal who admits he’s a Democrat (Bernero) and the Democrat who wears a Republican name tag (Snyder).

Are we just going to roll over and die or are we going to stand up and fight? Why let the Democrats get away with choosing OUR candidate?! They did it with McCain and now they’ve done it with Snyder. Why let them get away with it? Why not pick our own candidate?? Why leave the election to be between two Democrats? Why not throw a Conservative in the race? Is it too much to hope that we could have a true Conservative run as a third-party candidate and possibly steal the election?? I can’t stand the thought of letting Michigan shoot herself in the head! (Am I sounding desperate? I feel it..)

I CAN’T vote for either of those Democrats. And I just CAN’T leave Michigan to be devoured by those liberal wolves.

Am I being an unrealistic dreamer or could we actually, possibly, maybe, perhaps have a chance of saving our great state??

-Anna Lambert

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