Raise Your Prices.

Bad advice? Many people in government, who have not worked in the private sector, do not understand the mechanics of economics.  They have heard that ‘higher demand and lowered supplies’ creates ‘high prices,’ yet think it serves only the greed…

Where were you?

Where were you? There is a new sidewalk on your street, or a sign restriction, zoning that closed off an area that you own to development, water service to your rural home is mandatory, or ‘all of a sudden’ you…

Adding Up State Legislative Votes

Nearly 3,000 Roll Call Votes of State Representatives and Senators Tallied for 2009-2010 More than 7,100 votes missed during session, according to MichiganVotes.org “Missed Votes Report” MIDLAND — The Michigan Senate took 1,388 roll call votes during the 2009-2010 legislative…