Category: tea party


Organizing a 45 seat bus.    Cost Approx $40/person  Will Depart TC approx 8 AM Return Immediately following Tea Party Rally!! Leave comment, I will use your email to contact you. $40 based on 25-30 ppl.. if we fill the…

Growing interest in the Tea Parties

Many of you who have websites and blogs already know there are ways to keep track of the real number of visitors to your sites, and also which pages they visit.  Those who didn’t realize this should also know that…

Its Time To Start Drinking.. Or At Least Start Partying..

The hangover is already starting… The markets are down on the presumption that at any point the federal government can walk in and nationalize the business, bank, enterprise you own stock in thus diluting its value with forced actions.  The…

Left WINGNUTS spinning crazily on the Tea Parties

You’ve already seen it happen here when we first reported the great success at the Lansing Tea Party event, but apparently we must have hit big and really pissed off the buzzy little hornets of the Left Nut Roots.  Malkin…

Teaparty – Lansing… (To be updated for 3 days)

The Lansing Teaparty was a GREAT event!! Thanks to Joanie and Wendy (pictured below) Officials expected 50…  Officials corrected themselves when approx 300 showed up.  Just a couple of photos culled from many taken.  I had a little surprise after…