Category: Real Discussion II

What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?

Mackinac Center State Of State Rankings

Governor’s First State of the State Address Includes Nine Proposed Government Expansions, Three Limitations Snyder’s speech a ‘mixed bag,’ said author of annual tally MIDLAND — Gov. Rick Snyder’s 2011 State of the State address included nine proposed expansions of…

Details and analysis on the State of The State

Tally of Proposed Government Expansions and Limitations in State of the State Address Available Wednesday Night Mackinac Center experts available before and after for analysis of public-sector benefits, regulatory reform, economic development, budget, education and other proposals MIDLAND — Mackinac…

Recovery Dot Gov

A Picture of a fine home in Detroit.  The Billions spent on ‘make work’ programs and projects have as much effect as what might happen if the government was to attempt a fully financed urban renewal.  In fact, if one…

Comparing Headlines

Some recent headlines seen in the wake of the murderous rampage of that punk in AZ.  After being attacked by media and politicos for 4 days as responsible for the shooters crazed actions, Sarah Palin made the decision to answer…

SEIU Advertising on Facebook

Apparently the SEIU feels it necessary to advertise on facebook. Because dammit, you aren’t a rent-a-cop! Cuz yeah, that guy doesn’t look like a douche or anything.

Heated Rhetoric?

A very bad thing happened yesterday.  A deranged man attacked a public figure, for a reason that only he might know.  In the process, he also attacked and killed others who may, or may not have been intended targets.  Apparently…

One Year Later Today

Missing my mother, Betty. Life does indeed go on, but still a certain emptiness is hard to fill.

The 17th Amendment Mistake

The 17th amendment is unconstitutional. While we recognize the ability of super majorities and the process in which the constitution itself might be modified, there is a strong sense of intent that must not be ignored.  The founders understood how…

Publicly Funded Promotion Of LBGT Lifestyles?

I pay little attention to the activities of those who decide to pursue their adult consensual relationships in a  manner they see fit.  I hold no overall animosity toward those who feel the biologically natural relationships between men and women…