The last election has had its consequences not only of statewide or national significance, but also in local areas as well. In Northern Michigan’s Kalkaska county, we could have up to 5 casualties, as a shoot out in the OK…
Category: Real Discussion II
What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?
Milton Friedman Gives A Jobs Speech – Part 9
Inflation in the late 70s was the bane of the Carter administration. Its what happens when the money supply is high relative to wealth production. Cost of goods high and the resulting interest rates simply an attempt to put control…
Glenn Wins Senate Debate Straw Poll
Defeats Hoekstra by nine and Durant by 14 DeWITT, Mich. — Thursday night, three mid-Michigan Tea Party groups cohosted a U.S. Senate candidates forum/debate in DeWitt which drew nearly 500 attendees. See Detroit News story: Results of a straw…
Milton Friedman Gives A Jobs Speech – Part 8
Milton Friedman Gives A Jobs Speech – Part 7
A Little More On Agenda 21
Found a piece today worth reading. I should note that most often, the standard reaction to even mentioning “Agenda 21” in casual company, tends to elicit blank stares, and a bit of a confusion as to why it is such…
Milton Friedman Gives A Jobs Speech – Part 6
Agenda 21 Immediately Recognized For What It Is
Milton Friedman Gives A Jobs Speech – Part 5
Constitution Celebration – September 18 2011
Constitution Celebration September 18th 2011 2-7pm Free Admission Traverse City Opera House The anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution is September 17. On that day in 1787, we became a Republic. In Traverse City we will be…