Category: Real Discussion II

What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?

Bolger Asked To Keep ALAC Promise.

House Speaker Bolger urged to keep promise on ALAC; Activists set Lansing ‘Protect our Constitution’ rally Nov. 27 BATTLE CREEK, Mich. –  Leaders of a statewide coalition of activists seeking to defend the U.S. Constitution during a press conference today…

Cronyism – Part II

Reposted from RightMichigan.Com   ~ In cronyism part I, the connection between government and business interests was discussed, with focus on state and federal tax dollars being used to pick winners, or at the very least recipients of government largesse.…

Right To Work – NOW!

Jack Hoogendyk offers a timely opinion on a very important matter. It is time for Michigan to become a right-to-work state. If ever the conditions were perfect for this to happen, they are right now. Consider: We have a Speaker of…

Veterans Day 2012

Thank you to those who have served and are serving. Thank you for defending our constitution.  

Polling Station Reminders

Secretary of State Ruth Johnson is reminding voters of some of the general rules surrounding voter conduct at the polls. “In every major election we encounter similar questions from voters and interested parties about what is allowed in and around…

January 29, 1981

Ronald Reagan in a news conference: How do you do? I have a brief opening statement here before I take your questions. The National Economy Yesterday Secretary of the Treasury Donald Regan sent to the Congress a request to raise…

2016 Creator Dinesh D’Souza To Appear In Troy

Dinesh D’Souza to speak at event in Troy Don’t miss your chance to meet the writer and director of the movie 2016 this Saturday, November 3rd, in Troy. Dinesh D’Souza will speak to activists like you about the past economic…