Category: Real Discussion II

What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?

Oxygen Deficiency

Often I marvel at the complete disconnect associated with the left, and its assumptions on all manner of issues. It is incredibly difficult to hold back an utter contempt for the mental state suggesting that defense of personal liberties requires…

The New Year Is Coming

I suppose we could all plan out our resolutions; eat less, quit a bad habit, exercise more (or some), stay away from politics, .. No, wait.. Scratch that last one.

New Signs Near Schools

Now that its clearly off limits for our school employees to be able to defend themselves, perhaps we consider a change out of the existing school zone signs to ones that more accurately reflect the attitude of government. Far better…

Capitol Lawn Presser TODAY 2:30 Demand Justice!

THURSDAY @ 2:30 PM Coalition Holds Presser to “Demand Justice” for Endangerment and Assault of Its Members, Activists, Innocent Bystanders Clint Tarver, David Speet join AFP-Michigan to denounce attack on tent LANSING, Mich.—Grassroots activists, innocent bystanders, and coalition groups will…

Union Protestors Brutality & Violence Erupt, AFP Activists Trampled On

LANSING, Mich. – Americans for Prosperity – Michigan State Director Scott Hagerstrom today released the following statement in response to the passage of Right-to-Work legislation in Michigan: “The passage of Right-to-Work is a win/win for Michigan. Not only is this…

MEA Misleads on Oklahoma RTW Numbers

The Mackinac Center’s Jarret Skorup notes the misinformation presented by Michigan’s premier Education union, the MEA. He writes: If Michigan were to become a right-to-work state, unions could no longer force members to join or financially support them. Around the…

Schuette Statement On House Forgoing Exchange Legislation

November 29, 2012          LANSING – Attorney General Bill Schuette today issued the following statement regarding Speaker of the House Jase Bolger’s announcement that proposed legislation to create a state-run health care exchange will not move forward:           “I…