Category: Real Discussion

Detroit, look around you.

Because all you see is about to be owned by the federal government. As your property values dropped, your homeowners couldn’t sell.  Small business failed as it couldn’t meet the obligations as Michigan taxes rose, and populations dropped, and the…

Michigan doesnt know it yet, but…

Guess what?  Did you know that, but for a few unique pockets within the state of Michigan, home values have gone down?  Not only in Detroit, where average values have dropped by 40% or more, but also throughout the rest…

Quick Carl Levin Fact check

Using the following reported figures (data source, Senator Carl Levin’s salaried Personnel expenses went up roughly 30% in the last 6 years.. 10/01/2007 – 03/31/2008 | $1,441,926 Fiscal Year: 2008 $1,441,926 04/01/2007 – 09/30/2007 | $1,620,144 10/01/2006 – 03/31/2007…

Picking the winners – Part ??? points out the seemingly immediate success of the Michigans government’s M.E.G.A. plan to offer GM $120 Million in tax incentives to generate results in Flint, MI.  We salute the action of our state government, showing us that it does…

Brokaw Pelosi Transcript segment explained. Her motivation.

Nope, not going to let this fade away just yet.  As we see the OIL prices raise again, we need to be reminded WHY.  I Expect the prices to break $100 again today now that the refineries are chugging along…

Obama Tells Michigan Police not to be seen with him

Apparently, Calhoun county uniformed officers were told during his visit to Michigan a couple of weeks ago, to “stay away from the candidate” and stay back away from the bus according to police insiders.  Obama doesn’t wish to be seen…

Snap Snap Snap

Again, I must give credit to, and mention the Industrial Policy Blog has pointed out that our Governor still appears to be chasing the shadows of… what?  Coolness.  OK lets get in the mood..   Imagine a poet has just…