Category: Real Discussion

I Will Not SHUT UP.

As renewed calls come from our very own Junior Senator Debbie Stabenow to enforce what is known as the fairness doctrine, I am digging the trenches for our stand on free speech. Michigan’s senator Stabenow is just a political tool. …

New Hampshire gets it right..

A couple of days ago I posted the text of Representative Opsommer’s concurrent resolution in the Michigan house regarding the 10th amendment.  Michigan legislators are not the only ones considering such resolutions, and New Hampshire has it’s own.

MiGOP Legislators Putting it out there for all to see

Nothing like a little transparency to keep government in line.  Michigan Republican House members are taking the lead by placing their expense accounts on line for all to see.  Granholm is fighting it, citing the added cost to list the…

Labor & The Feeding Trough – Cause and Effect Part II

In Tuesday’s speech, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm still struggled with the reality that six years after her taking the reigns, Michigan is seeing what is easily the worst economy since the great depression. And though she finds it easily shrugged…

If you could pull ONE QUOTE from this..

Tonight our governor, Jennifer Granholm speaks on the state of the economy in the state of Michigan. In the following video I would encourage a look..   Oh What the heck, there is a lot of good stuff said before one…

Re-Education Camps

WND reports on a proposed bill which establishes population centers controlled by military, not unlike those under Nazi Germany, under the control of the president in certain circumstances. Jerome Corsi documents Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., introduction to the House…

Cause and Effect – Part 1

As most who live here realize, Michigan has been on the forefront of the recession for.. oh..  About 6 years now.  Some would suggest that to discover the reasons, we will perhaps have to defer to a more historical perspective.…

Journal Entries – Representative Paul Opsommer (R-DeWitt)

This needs to happen in EVERY state house. Opsommer has a clear understanding of what the constitution is designed to protect with regard to the tenth amendment. Sadly, as a majority of the office holders in Washington do not including…

So you think community responsibility is easy?

[The author is a retired attorney, who volunteered to participate in a citizen audit of the operations and finances of Traverse City in October 2007.  The committee members spent hundreds of hours interviewing officials, citizens and reviewing records.  Its report…

For Granholm, Pelosi – Baby Bellies futures look good!

Pelosi soon to be leading the fight to put FOCA on the table. Consider that you have Amgen Inc as the top contributor to her war chest in 2007-2008 cycle.. That $42K towards keeping you in office WELL worth it..…