Category: Real Discussion

Elkhart Indiana.. Tell Your Tale.

NBC news is cashing in on the food distribution services story in Elkhart IN where unemployment approaches 20% and the Feed The Children group has set up shop to give food to those who because they have lost their jobs…

If I made those decisions..

My wife and I visited a good friend in the hospital yesterday. She had just undergone an operation on the vertebrae in her neck and was under the influence of pharmaceuticals during the time we were present. As things go,…

Acorns attract Squirrels…

Just stare for a little while and imagine hearing the “squirrel song..”  Dee dee dee dot doo dumm dumm… Yes.. What is going on inside that squirrely skull of his?

Property Owner's Comments On Eminent Domain Issue

The beast of government grows and assumes all things belong to it.  East Lansing has been assisting a private developer who’s plans include the development Nancy Kurdziel and other property owners in East Lansing’s East Village neighborhood have been battling…

Its Time To Start Drinking.. Or At Least Start Partying..

The hangover is already starting… The markets are down on the presumption that at any point the federal government can walk in and nationalize the business, bank, enterprise you own stock in thus diluting its value with forced actions.  The…

Limbaugh attacked because he hopes Obama fails..

I hope he fails too. If success for Barack Obama means the continuance of policies aimed at destroying the constitution, I hope he fails miserably. Further, I hope he is finally seen in a fitting way as a thug president…

Film Makers Were Paid $17,142 for each of 2800 jobs

Michigan’s Film office reports blowing $48,000,000.00 of taxpayer dollars in 2008 for the first 10 months of the incentive program designed to bring Hollywood here the the Great Lake State.  This was for 2800 Jobs in that 10 month period. …

"A Republic If You Can Keep It.."

When asked about what we as Americans received with the founding of our constitution, Ben Franklin gave a response which was quite appropriate, and prophetic.  Much in the way the Romans eventually destroyed their own republic through a progression of…

Left WINGNUTS spinning crazily on the Tea Parties

You’ve already seen it happen here when we first reported the great success at the Lansing Tea Party event, but apparently we must have hit big and really pissed off the buzzy little hornets of the Left Nut Roots.  Malkin…