I had to post this. With a lot of friends who are supporters of Ron Paul, it might help. All American Blogger writes: “Hello Ron Paul supporters. … Look back at 2008. Ron Paul refused to endorse the Republican Party…
Author: JGillman
Belonging To The Government
This is an example of the disconnect Democrats have with the most BASIC tenets of liberty.
How incredibly ironic that the same people who decry Republicans as wanting to put them in chains would voluntarily submit to being nothing more than chattel. (property)
How proud one must be to be in the Democrat party.
Michigan Entrepreneur Demonstrates Creative Edge
Blame It On Bush
I posted elsewhere as well.
An instant classic
Not As Popular As ‘Protect our Jobs’ Would Have You Think

POJ Spokesmen, Television Ads Repeatedly Mislead Media, Use Dramatically Inflated Signature Count Lansing, MI—Television ads, spokesmen and the union lawyer representing the so-called “collective bargaining” ballot proposal have repeatedly and continue to mislead both voters and members of the media…
The Camel’s Back
Rewarding Educators
Minimum Wage Quite Expensive
Several times on this blog, I have made the case for NO minimum wage. In fact the secret to renewal for such underwhelming employment environments like Detroit is taking off the shackles of unnecessary and destructive limits to business.
Dishonorable Disclosures
Good production. 22 minutes and worth watching. Its sad that decades of advantage over our enemies can be so thoroughly destroyed by such negligent management, and possibly malicious intent. Obama MUST be turned out in November, and the leftist forces…
The Heartbreak Of Thomas Edison
Originally posted at RightMichigan.com Things are looking brighter in our great lakes state. Unless, of course, one wants to use a light bulb to make it so. A demand for engineers in Michigan: “Andrew Watt says he figures the shelf…