Author: JGillman

Before you all get too excited

So far historical records do not seems to be as corrupted as the administration and our society. I pondered the spin being used to make this economy appear to be turning around.  Obviously it would be a good thing, yet…

The Union Trap

The SEIU working in concert to abridge employee rights? What happens when you have a problem to resolve with your employer, AND the union which represents you?  You lose any opportunity to fight for your job, your own interests have…

EPA Puts Michigan Jobs At Risk

EPA Puts Crosshairs On Michigan Obama Admin Takes Rent Seeking To A New Level. (Cross posted from I have been adding to this all week, and have tried to make it as concise as possible, but as more information…

Labor Reform Held Up Because It Works

Jack McHugh writes today about a couple of labor reform bills just hanging around the Michigan State Senate. The first of them stopping the practice of union employees being paid by school districts: “… many school district payrolls contain “phantom…

Merry Christmas 2011

The perfect man who died for our imperfections has his birth celebrated today. Amidst the gifts that we pass among ourselves, nothing can compare to the ultimate endowment given to us with the birth of Jesus Christ. Nothing can compare…

Governor signs Pavlov bill lifting the cap on charter schools

LANSING–State Sen. Phil Pavlov (left), R-St. Clair Township, and Gov. Rick Snyder hold Senate Bill 618, accompanied by Rep. Tom McMillin and Rep. Deb Shaughnessy. Snyder on Tuesday signed Pavlov’s bill, which will lift the arbitrary cap on charter schools…