I’ve got an extra $20 to give you.. IF you can be the first to identify this Michigan landmark.. $20 paid through PayPal or mail if you do not have PayPal. Why? Because I wanted an excuse to use this…
Month: January 2009
We all handle things differently…
If you think this is bad, just wait for the "Fairness Doctrine.."
This weekend, protesters staged outside of the Carmike cinemas in favor of the showing of Kevin Leffler’s film “Shooting Michael Moore.” Leffer himself was present wearing tape over his mouth symbolizing the censorship aspect. It seems that after it was…
Some comments made at an Outside Lansing site debate..
These are my own, because I feel they pretty much nail down the essence of where I stand.. The debate is one which former Clinton appointee, UAW attorney and current northeastern Michigan resident Leonard Page addresses Chetly Zarko and his…
The RIGHT way to limit smoking in your environment..
Fortunately, Michigan has not yet seen passage of the smoking bans presented and approved by the House nor the Senate. The debate as to WHY these bills did not see the governor’s pen can go elsewhere for now. The pressure…
STI follows Barrett firearms and takes a stand against California
After the .50 Cal ban in California, Barrett firearms stopped selling (and I *think* servicing) firearms to law enforcement customers. Well, it looks like STI Firearms has done the same. Now only if the major players would follow suit.
Obama to pimp stimulus plan at George Mason University
Apparently at 11 EST today, Obama is going to try and pimp his “stimulus plan”. Of course for those that have even the slightest sense of economic knowledge know that government taking/printing and spending of money doesn’t help economies. That…
A Squirrel Tries To Get In On The Frenzy..
My wife took this picture this morning. Does this scene in any way seem familiar? The corn and seed put out by my wife keeps the local flock from doing what they should have done already. As we have found…
Just gotta kiss his feet.. Thats it..
As Burris attempts to take his seat in the senate, and Harry Reid drunk on power lets his real feelings show. Blago simply shined a little light on the Senate leader’s motivations..
Fancy term for printing money/counterfeiting
Quantitative easing from Marketplace on Vimeo.