Have sold Michigan down the river. I will let the reader look up the origin, but the meaning is clear. Michigan has been betrayed by these “representatives.” Allow me to begin by presenting Michigan’s “esteemed” US Senators. First we have…
Republican Scott Brown is going to win a US Senate seat in Massachusetts today. Despite the state being heavily Democrat, the seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy, and all the power and money of the unions, well wishes by MSM…
As Burris attempts to take his seat in the senate, and Harry Reid drunk on power lets his real feelings show. Blago simply shined a little light on the Senate leader’s motivations..
A 91% disapproval rating is what I would call legendary. Or put another way, the United States Congress enjoys a 9% approval rating. Consider that A 50% disapproval/approval rating would be a very good rating, given a bipartisan legislature in…
25 minutes into the debate is where we pick up our hero Jack Hoogendyk taking on the Leviniathon…. Carl Levin the 30 year incumbent senator Is asked to explain his vote for what I affectionately call the “crap sandwich.” And…
Jack Hoogendyk, (R) and Carl Levin, (D) faced off in the first of two debates at Grand Valley State University October 18. An hour was spent with questions from three panelists to help Michigan voters determine who would be best…