If anything says “we own you, and can do with your payment what we will” it would be the recent theft from contracted workers through a Union scam. The state of Michigan has played its hand. By arbitrarily removing union…
Tag: Unions
What is a "Meat Puppet?"
I have made reference to Debbie Stabenow as a “Meat Puppet” in prior posts. For the most part it is so very hard to NOT simply title such a person with an appropriate title. I would like to be clear…
Arbitration? Consider Your "Decider" Carefully..
In arbitration, a neutral third party is empowered by the parties involved, to decide the outcome of a dispute. Somewhat resembling legal proceedings, it is generally agreed beforehand the arbitrators decision will be final. Perusing through a recent financial statement…
Socialized Medicine Part II
The Mackinac Center has posted a couple more videos demonstrating the folly of a single payer system such as the type in Canada. I have them here, but encourage you to visit them on youtube to give the Mackinac Center…
DHS Declines to Defend Merits in Mackinac Center Lawsuit
Motion to dismiss is procedural, technical; fails to address how state can force independent contractors into a union, Center legal analyst explains MIDLAND — The state’s response to a Mackinac Center Legal Foundation lawsuit against the Department of Human Services…
Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Sues DHS
LANSING — The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, a newly created public-interest law firm, today filed suit against the Michigan Department of Human Services in a case where a “shell corporation” was established to shanghai more than 40,000 home-based day care…
Michiganders, beware the progressive destruction of our healthcare system.
There are folks who have put the current administration in office. Many are the same folks who put our current governor in office. They are quite responsible for the electoral successes of both executives. They want for the United States,…
So.. Michigan dues payers.. Hows it workin for you?
You may have heard this, but Chrysler is bankrupt, and GM is soon to follow.. In fact, it could have all happened last year, and might well have served you better in the end. But nope, Your representatives stood by…
So what about your representation?
Several historic events are developing before our very eyes. One of them is in regard to the failure of the automakers. Michigan has had a strong industrial presence in the world partly based on our accessible waterways, and partly the…
Finishing them off
Imagine a day when Michigan based General Motors is a completely foreign firm. Don’t think it could happen? Consider what the “CEO of the US” said last night.. “We’ll end the corporate tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas” You…