Tag: Michigan

Finishing them off

Imagine a day when Michigan based General Motors is a completely foreign firm. Don’t think it could happen?  Consider what the “CEO of the US” said last night.. “We’ll end the corporate tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas” You…

It will never be enough..

Gordo, over at the Muskegon Pundit reports an additional millage/bond request from his local school system. The Mona Shores Schools had a $17,000,000.00 capital expense put up for a vote today.   Now.. If I were a betting guy (I am)…

Michigan sucks… up to the Stimulus

I guess the idea is to get yours up front, so when the bill comes due, at least you will have something, right?  In a 1,300 page document published in a measly 8pt type, we get down to the wish…

MY Stimulus Package

How about a solution which will get ALL of the unemployed in Michigan who want to work a job in less than 3 months? Though radical and new, this idea is far less dangerous than the current plan as it…

Can you imagine?

What if there were no longer offices fully staffed in our Michigan state capital for legislators, but rather merely local ones, where constituents can actually have access to their representatives?  The Other Club highlights a Glenn Beck video clip with…

Please DO elaborate Madame Governor..

I would like to know if you have read more than three pages of the bill signed into law Governor.  You most certainly have an inside scoop on SOMETHING right? I mean either you believe in the pork fairy or…

Granholm's (continuing) Folly..

In the Michigan 2010 fiscal year budget, under revenue estimates, there is a distinct note of denial in that the consequence of the tax INCREASE in October 2007 is actually perpetuating the decline in revenue. But lets not let a…

I Will Not SHUT UP.

As renewed calls come from our very own Junior Senator Debbie Stabenow to enforce what is known as the fairness doctrine, I am digging the trenches for our stand on free speech. Michigan’s senator Stabenow is just a political tool. …

MiGOP Legislators Putting it out there for all to see

Nothing like a little transparency to keep government in line.  Michigan Republican House members are taking the lead by placing their expense accounts on line for all to see.  Granholm is fighting it, citing the added cost to list the…

Labor & The Feeding Trough – Cause and Effect Part II

In Tuesday’s speech, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm still struggled with the reality that six years after her taking the reigns, Michigan is seeing what is easily the worst economy since the great depression. And though she finds it easily shrugged…