Have sold Michigan down the river. I will let the reader look up the origin, but the meaning is clear. Michigan has been betrayed by these “representatives.” Allow me to begin by presenting Michigan’s “esteemed” US Senators. First we have…
Either crazy, or perhaps without the base understanding of what they do to our state by allowing an unelected body determine LAW. The two muttonhead US senators from Michigan seem perfectly happy to allow the EPA’s classification of CO2 as…
Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow may be doing that.. They should be. New Jersey is one of the eighteen states that have specific provisions within their constitutions that allow for the recall of their respective US Senators. Article I…
Republican Scott Brown is going to win a US Senate seat in Massachusetts today. Despite the state being heavily Democrat, the seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy, and all the power and money of the unions, well wishes by MSM…
By looking at just last months (March 2009) voting records of Senators, Levin and Stabenow, it becomes clear that Michigan’s best interests have not been represented very well in our federal government. Michigan has suffered the indignant reality of becoming…
As renewed calls come from our very own Junior Senator Debbie Stabenow to enforce what is known as the fairness doctrine, I am digging the trenches for our stand on free speech. Michigan’s senator Stabenow is just a political tool. …