Same As It Ever Was

First… There was the Reporting by KG One over at Right Michigan… Then there is the report of the MSM totally BOTCHING reporting.. and using their mistake as a sleight against conservatives?  Tell me again WHY NBC is still in…

The Matinee Is Over

Michigan’s hot flick “Rise Of The Celluloid Jobs Maker” appears to be a flop.  Touted as a jobs creator for Michigan and hailed by the likes of the Teamsters union and Michael Moore for the ability to produce $20 and…


Because the sheer number of Acronym contest responses were so… umm.. heavy in participation, I threw the several “entries in the hat, (actually my favorite popcorn pan that was handy.. ) and we have a winner! C.A.P.T.R.A.D.E.= Congress Actively Participating…