Category: Real Discussion II

What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?

Word Of The Day – Anthropogenic

Probably the only times you will see it used is with regard to the climate change debate. Anthropogenic means “born of man” and has Greek origins, and its most common use is within the scientific community as a label defining…

Smoking Ban Effect Hazy?

Well only if one wants it to be. I might add, that I am aware of a bar in the thumb area which has not only lost regulars because of this ban signed into law by the worst governor in…

Oakland University To Host November Republican Debates

LANSING – Underscoring the importance of Michigan’s status as a crucial battleground state in 2012, the presidential debate scheduled for November 9, 2011, at Oakland University has been officially recognized by the Republican National Committee. “Momentum for new leadership in…

635 Reasons To View The Debt Decision Negatively

Well, perhaps only 634.76 reasons anyhow. And a fat bonus. This particular instance of fear prompted by those who don’t wish to have their 401ks, and retirement savings wiped out by who knows what? If I had more than a…

A Comparison: Levin and Konetchy

What better way to highlight the differences between candidates, than to have their positions out front and in contrast to each other. The news cycle is not so generous as to allow the ideas of challengers compare directly to those…

The New Roman Senate?

Ab esse ad posse valet, a posse ad esse non valet consequentia. Perhaps, but one can hope it is not too late already.

Steele Will Not Run For US Senate

Dr. Rob Steele on the Michigan United States Senate Race “We need real change in Washington and the only way to do that is by defeating Debbie Stabenow, President Obama and other liberal democrats in 2012. Stabenow and her democrat…

Editorial Bias and Purposeful Omission

As many here may know, Michigan is one of the bluest of blue states in the country.  Historically, Right-To-Work has been talked about and immediately dismissed as improbable, if not impossible for Michigan, as it has been dominated by the…

News Conference on U-M Unionization of Research Assistants

Mackinac Center Legal Foundation to Hold News Conference Thursday Regarding Unionization of Graduate Student Research Assistants at University of Michigan Press conference set for 10:30 a.m. at Michigan Union MIDLAND — Patrick J. Wright, director of the Mackinac Center Legal…