Category: Real Discussion II

What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?

“0-0-0-11-0” Plan Proposed

(Tuesday, October 18, Kalamazoo, Michigan) – Herman Cain wisely perceived the “bumper sticker mentality” of many American voters much better than did the FairTax folks with his catchy “9-9-9” Plan to catch the attention of inattentive voters. Herman says his…


I couldn’t remember if I had ever posted this before.  So here it is again.  Click on the picture to make it larger.  

A Break Down of the TC “Non-Discrimination” Ordinance

Available on the Traverse City website, chapter 605 defines the non discrimination ordinance as passed by commissioners in 2010.  I have included a few parts here for discussion. 605.01 INTENT, PURPOSE AND CONSTRUCTION. (a) It is the intent of the…

Perfect Example Of Union Thuggishness

This story is being used as an ad for the Romney campaign. Like many of the stories that point out the failure of progressive politics it reveals the bullying aspect of the far left and their ‘compassion’ for their fellow man.

Anyone who thinks progressivism is patriotic needs medicating.

Prosecutor’s Efforts At Commission Recall Backfires

Though Kalkaska county prosecutor Brian Donnelly’s efforts at recalling at least three county commissioners may not be over, it appears he has (his allies attempting the recall) failed initially to clarify the language to the satisfaction of the elections board. …

Mitt’s Greatest Hits

Corporate bundlers may wish to hold on to their bundles a bit longer.  The disappointing story of Mitt is well chronicled in the video below.

At a time when principle trumps self promotion, its unlikely an establishment Republican like Romney will break 25 points in the primaries.  If he WAS selected as the nominee, the likelihood his waffling positions would be used often, as the current ‘occupier’ of the white house would waste no opportunity to show Mitt is no different.

Why Soaking The Rich Won’t Work

As the dummies in the ‘Occupy’ movement call for their “fair share”, lets take a break and listen to a voice of reason.

Unfortunately we have lost the great mind of Milton Friedman, but the truth remains.

Occupy Wall Street?

The kids you have seen on the news doing the “occupy wall street” gig are dumb as rocks.

Most of them. THIS guy is worth listening to, even if you disagree with some of what he says, he pretty much knows what he is talking about.

Though I cannot determine his angle on what capitalism truly is, the word has too easily been associated with the crony arrangement between economic development goals of government and the private sector all too eager to abuse those arrangements.

We live in “interesting times.”

The Grand Vision of Agenda 21

Grand Traverse County is a beautiful part of a beautiful region, in a diverse and wonderful state. Its no wonder so many wish to move and settle here.  Its also comes as no surprise that initiatives which claim to protect…