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Category: Real Discussion II
What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?
Reposted From an Email
A writer notes: In Case You’re not excited about Mitt Romney… Columnist Andrew McCarthy on one of the most important issues in the upcoming presidential election… Now that Mitt Romney has won the nomination, I will enthusiastically support his candidacy.…
Where A Little Self Respect Goes A Long Way
One Of The Best Romney Ads Yet
This Morning
Michigan Physicians Gather in Lansing, ask Lawmakers to Put Patients First, Act to Prevent Physician Shortage Patients First Reform Package will Protect Patients, Make Michigan a More Appealing State for Doctors to Start, Maintain a Practice LANSING, MI – July…
CPMC Cries Foul On Contitutional Attacks In Michigan
Families Deserve Better than Near-Record Number of Special Interest Attempts to Deceive Voters, Hijack Constitution Confusing, Deceptive Attacks the Most Seen in 34 Years Lansing, MI—Citizens Protecting Michigan’s Constitution (CPMC), a diverse group of job providers, taxpayers and organizations today…
Job Creators React: ObamaCare harms businesses & middle class families
Below is a snippet of reactions from job creators about the dangerous impact ObamaCare has on job creation and middle class families: Britton Slocum of Lansing, Mich., owner, Jersey Giant Subs: “I need to expand. I need to grow.…
Challenge Filed Against Labor Efforts To Re-Write Michigan’s Constitution
Union Boss Avoids Debates
Hoogendyk Upton Debate June 10!
Hoogendyk-Upton Debate Set for Sunday Night Congresman Fred Upton and challenger Jack Hoogendyk will be participating in a debate Sunday night, June 10, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at Schneider Hall (map) on the campus of Western Michigan University. Up to 250…