Now.. a little perspective with an ARTICLE ON JENNIFER GRANHOLM. This is especially interesting.. More As I find it OK More.. The State of Michigan explained?
Category: Real Discussion
No, it IS too late.. (at least for now)
Granholm has said she will NOT sign the repeal UNLESS there are sufficient replacement taxes in the bill. Surprised? Hardly, but the legislature has not held the line and she will continue to HOLD HOSTAGE the business owners of the…
The legislative zoo in Michigan.
After grabbing some quick eats this evening (insert plug for Little Caesars Hot n’ Ready Pizza), I came back, Pizza in tow, and made a quick visit to Rep. Jack Hoogendyk’s blog over at Damn, did I miss a…
Granholm has in the last 3 years…
2004 General Government Operational Cost… What?.. Management? $2.03 BILLION 2005 General Government Operational Cost… Ready to CUT???? $2.07 BILLION 2006 General Government Operational Cost… What the???? $2.42 BILLION 2007 General Government Operational Cost… BLOWN AWAY???? $2.54 BILLION This is just…
Something a little more local but …
Traverse City Schools, seeking funding for a $105,000,000.00 bond got what they wanted.. It doesn’t matter that out of the 17,458 votes cast, 40% of them did not want to pay any more for “additional land purchases, new buildings..” etc..…
Some ways in which the recent tax law WILL affect us.
The passing of a service tax, and an increase in the income tax recently by our elected officials may have some other unintended consequences. The worse the general economy of Michigan becomes, we face additional strains on our pocketbook. The…
School funding ideas..
There are a number of ways schools can raise money for extra-curricular and even main stream activities. Michigan students in my lifetime have had the advantage of sports, music and the arts as a part of their standard education. I…
Granholm promises more of your money spent – Trick or Treat..
A recent pandering for the Southeastern Michigan Business Owners.. Jennie, Jennie, Jennie…. When will you EVER Learn? Tricks are for Kids! “Southeast Michigan represents an untapped life sciences economic development bonanza for the entire state of Michigan,” Granholm said. “When…
Granholm backs Clinton..
On Friday October 19, 2007 Michigan’s Esteemed governor comrade Jennifer Granholm put her money on the horse currently favored to win the democratic primary for president, Hillary Clinton. Why? Perhaps if the rest of the country gets bogged down with…