Not drilling for oil – While many of us dont use Crude for heating our homes, the current speculative nature is enhanced by a shortage for that oil, which is being perpetuated by the Speaker not ALLOWING a vote to…
Category: Real Discussion
Granholm's Philosophical Twin ..VP?
It is a very real possibility. Jennifer Granholm and Kathleen Sebelius have both subjected their respective states to the very real THREAT of the Center for Climate Strategies. In the meantime let us look at a possible McCain Pick, Pawlenty……
Impact of Pelosi's Corruption on Michigan.
The refusal of Nancy Pelosi to allow a vote in congress will have some REAL negative impact on Michigan residents, more than what we have been dealing with already. High gasoline prices already have a negative effect on the sales…
58 Reasons To Drill Here & Drill Now!
Gasoline for cars Bowls Fishing line Diesel for cars, and ships Fertilizer Tennis rackets Heating fuel Explosives Roller blades Aviation fuel for planes Car tires Eye glasses Credit cards Artificial turf Lunch boxes Plastic bags Boots Shoes Flower pots Hair…
Kwame Bobblehead Coming Soon!
With all of his recent court activity, tethered or not tethered, and whether he will make it to the convention to spoil it for Obama? His head has GOT to be spinning… Hmm stare for a while is somewhat…
A New Look!
Hopefully this works for everyone’s browsers ok. I decided it was time to dress it up a little bit. BTW.. keep an eye out for future posts and more information on Michigan’s new energy enemy Nancy Pelosi.
Less activities for Michigan minors?
Doing my morning reading, I came across this. – Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Bill Schuette, concurring in Woodman v. Kera, LLC. Schuette, along with COA Judges Michael Talbot (lead opinion) and William Bandstra (concurring opinion), earlier this week ruled…
Slant drilling under the lakes again under debate.
A local oil/gas producer has shed some light. At this point I would prefer to leave his name off the page, as he is a customer as well. He claims there is approx 8 Billion bbls they are aware of,…
Make sure that thing has reverse.
Hate to give love to these guys, but I would say it is about time the put gas in their ol trusty short bus. Kilpatrick is not just a shame to the Democrats, he is a disgrace to this state.
For Michigan.
That of course is my primary mission here. Michigan the beautiful, the great, and now the depressed because of policies created by the Granholms, Pelosis, and an overly influential environmental lobby. The whispers I am hearing are that in Detroit,…