Apparently the SEIU feels it necessary to advertise on facebook. Because dammit, you aren’t a rent-a-cop! Cuz yeah, that guy doesn’t look like a douche or anything.
Author: Jason Gillman Jr.
Blow the whistle, unless it might make the government look bad
Ahh yes, nothing like good ol’ fashioned government hypocrisy and stupidity. On one hand, you have the SEC offering 10-30% bounties for government moles whistleblowers who get judgments against the companies they screw work for.. Then on the other, you…
Because this needs to be seen…
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The ambulance chasers of the Intellectual Property realm
The WSJ today has a piece on how the ambulance chasers of the IP realm are going after companies who have expired patent numbers on goods. From the article: Lawyers for product manufacturers now fear clients are liable for up…
Cops gone wild, and no, you can’t videotape them
One of the writers for Reason Magazine that I like to follow is Radley Balko. His focus is mostly on, well, Cops acting like d-bags and other assorted lunacy when it comes to law enforcement. Although his “best known” stuff…
Ummm… isn’t this illegal?
Another gem from the Wall Street Journal: Craig Taffaro, president of St. Bernard Parish, has issued an executive order to stop any transfer of clean-up equipment out of the parish, which lies east of New Orleans. … On Friday, Plaquemines…
Here’s your retard card
A couple of interesting tidbits about Michigan's concealed carry laws
I was looking at the portion of the MCL (Michigan Compiled Laws) concerning the carry of concealed firearms. I noticed a couple of interesting things. The first thing (MCL 28.425j), which is concerned with the training program required to get…
Attention Michigan restaurant and bar owners
I would just like to put it out there that to the best of my abilities, I will travel and patronize any restaurant or bar that disregards the smoking ban and allows it’s patrons to light up. Disregarding the smoking…
The 10th Amendment: Time to get some teeth
Over the last couple of years, the issue of the 10th Amendment has started to gain a bit of traction in the media. Things such as medical marijuana and firearms freedoms laws have been most visible in the area, as…