Primary Challenger Rebukes State Senator For Vote In Favor Of Medicaid Expansion

Muskegon County – Republican challenger for the 34th state senate seat Nick Sundquist admonishes Republican members of the Michigan Senate for their support of the Michigan Medicaid expansion and called on his opponent to explain his support for Obamacare-supporting legislation while his district and half of all voters in the United States oppose it.

“Despite multiple resolutions denouncing Medicaid expansion published by various conservative organizations throughout his district, the many phone calls and emails urging him to vote no, despite his statements on the day of the notorious Supreme Court decision indicating he believed that any Obamacare legislation’s implementation would hurt Michigan’s small businesses, Goeff Hansen voted in favor of the expansion not once, but twice last night in Lansing”

Mr. Sundquist said.

Hansen was one of seven GOP senators to vote in favor of the bill during the first vote and then convinced Senator Casperson to join after a slight amendment was made, bringing the total of GOP votes in favor to eight. In response, Mr. Sundquist questioned the motives of eight GOP senators joining forces with twelve Democratic senators in order to pass an unpopular piece of legislation.

“After all of his vacuous equivocation on the subject we finally know where Mr. Hansen stands on this subject. He stands with the SEIU and the Democrats and against the conservative base of the Republican party.”

Mr. Sundquist concluded.

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