Rep. Miller: President Obama Should Allow the Keystone XL Pipeline to Move Forward
WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) today issued the following statement regarding the State Department’s recently released draft assessment regarding the environmental impact of the revised Keystone XL pipeline:
“On Friday the State Department issued its long overdue draft environmental report on the development of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline project. This report stated what many people have been arguing for years, that there is no scientific reason to reject this project moving forward. The report states there would be ‘no significant impacts on most resources along the route’ and ‘approval or disapproval of the project is unlikely to have a substantial impact on the rate of development of the resource in Canada.’
“The only thing standing in the way of this project, which would create tens of thousands of high paying American jobs and give American consumers access to this valuable resource from our friend and ally in Canada, is the approval of President Obama. If he does not approve this project the victims would be Americans seeking jobs and American consumers who need relief at the pump. Those who would benefit would be mainly Chinese consumers who would gladly accept this stable and reliable source of energy. Those seeking jobs have waited long enough and hard hit American consumers have waited long enough, it is time for President Obama to do the right thing and allow this project to move forward.”
Obama either deliberately wants people to suffer or he truly has NO CLUE how economies work.