Month: December 2011
EPA Puts Michigan Jobs At Risk
EPA Puts Crosshairs On Michigan Obama Admin Takes Rent Seeking To A New Level. (Cross posted from RightMichigan.com) I have been adding to this all week, and have tried to make it as concise as possible, but as more information…
Labor Reform Held Up Because It Works
Merry Christmas 2011
The perfect man who died for our imperfections has his birth celebrated today. Amidst the gifts that we pass among ourselves, nothing can compare to the ultimate endowment given to us with the birth of Jesus Christ. Nothing can compare…
Governor signs Pavlov bill lifting the cap on charter schools
LANSING–State Sen. Phil Pavlov (left), R-St. Clair Township, and Gov. Rick Snyder hold Senate Bill 618, accompanied by Rep. Tom McMillin and Rep. Deb Shaughnessy. Snyder on Tuesday signed Pavlov’s bill, which will lift the arbitrary cap on charter schools…
New Unemployment Numbers: Michigan Families Continue to Suffer Because of Obama-Stabenow Economic Failures
Latest labor report shows more than 456,000 Michiganders Are Still Jobless WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (GPS) today issued the following statement after the release of Michigan’s November jobs report from the U.S. Department of Labor. Steven Law, Crossroads…
Networks Mix Up Political Photos
Over the years I have marveled at how the fast moving news network Fox News could have so many misspellings, wrong story and title mismatches, so imagine my major yawn when I found this picture. (H/T Right Scoop) Of course,…
MERC Excludes Graduate Student Research Assistants From Judicial Proceedings That Directly Impact Them, Attorney Says
Ruling allowing unionization case to proceed ‘undermines due process’ Students’ status as non-employees needs statutory clarification MIDLAND — Hundreds of University of Michigan students who object to being re-designated as government employees for the purpose of a unionization effort have…
Stabenow Must Return Corzine Campaign Donations
Corzine Scheduled to Testify Before Stabenow’s Committee Today LANSING, Mich., Dec., 13, 2011 – The Michigan Republican Party today called on Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) to return all campaign donations from Jon Corzine, Corzine family members and any MF Global…