The fight for free markets, and our grievances with government still has room for the message itself, delivered in no less than a number of for profit enterprises. Hawking shirts to bumper stickers, we have seen a growth of entrepreneurs who recognize the desire for quality merchandise which states our message quite clearly. Nearly every major posting I make on the Michigan Tea Party Movement has had a comment placed by the CAFE PRESS folks who in the most unashamed manner market their wares.
In Michigan, we have Jeff McQueen, who often makes it very clear he is a descendant of one of our earliest colonial fighters for freedom. Jeff designed this flag.
McQueen paid a pretty dear cash price to have the unique flag he is pictured holding made, but went all out, and in the truest American Spirit put his own money up to have them made in mass quantity. These are high quality flags made right here in the US of A, and he has them priced at a really good price of $19.95
I have actually been waiting to be able to post this. Jeff contacted me early on with the picture you see here. He is quite proud of his design and feels it captures today’s message and the essence of the Tea Party movement. His vision one that is quite patriotic, and I hope he is able to recover his investment quickly and perhaps turn a profit.
Because when all is said and done, it is how we develop, create, produce, and grow.. profit… is “the American Way.”