A non partisan recall site recallposse.org (can be accessed by the .com or .net as well) has been created to help facilitate the flow of information on recall efforts in Michigan and elsewhere. RecallPosse.org is a non partisan effort to rid our country of lawmakers and executives who continue to push higher spending, are raising taxes, and raising the costs on the taxpayer.
The recent passage of the H R 2454 shows the inability of many of our representatives to:
- Read the legislation (it is not yet finished.. they voted on a bill which isnt there.. yet)
- Consider long term negative effects on the economy
- Understand WHAT makes the earth hot..
- “represent” the wishes of the constituencies.. (8 Republicans signed on.. what the hell happened in the primaries to let these RINOs loose from the zoo?)
The bottom line is that our dogs are running a little long on the leash, and its time to reign them in. Malkin asked in the article linked to above,
“We still want to know: What were your payoffs/earmarks?”
So um.. Yeah.. whats the deal? How bout it representatives? Are you ready to face the voters in a negative light? Even if you have won soundly in your districts, you are in trouble. Even if the recall efforts you will face fail, your secret political aspirations to become the president someday are finished. In fact, maybe its a good thing for you to go through this.
A humble representation is a proper representation. Too many assume too much. And to assume that we can endure more of the higher tax, higher spending government, is on its face a punch in the gut to business and long term wealth building for even the poorest among us.
Recall Often, Recall now.. not just the Democrats, but ANY who continue to ignore the facts we are overtaxed already.