For Michigan, one of the problems that persists year after year is the heavily left/liberal leaning voting block in the southeastern part of the state. I hesitate to make generalizations on the “typical” voting nature of highly populated urban areas, but this particular zone consistently elects entitlement promising, excuse making panderers who do little more than raise taxes and produce even more need.
Where have we gone wrong? How can a message which consistently produces more misery than relief win out over reasoned thought and ideals? How can Voters in Detroit put up with the corruption in their elected officers, and still claim it is the best way? Perhaps it is the investment they have in what they think is right… …or wrong. We all dislike being wrong, but how do we reconcile our mistaken preconceptions?
Logical reasoning and point by point examination of historical precedent and results.
I personally have been known to name call when I felt aggrieved by the target of my words. However, even then, I recognized I only satisfied my own need to strike out. I solved little.. if nothing. Maybe some others who think like I do might have enjoyed my outbursts, but these weren’t people I needed to convince.
Detroit, and it’s surrounding urban landscape is in need of the most dire renovation of thought. It’s political distance from many of us is not overshadowed by our geographical distance to be sure. What we need is an understanding of: WHY the left is able to convince voters in these areas to support them. Why they continue to support the very functions of our state government which threatens the fewer and fewer jobs that are available in these urban centers. When we understand what makes the flawed ideals of left/liberal/socialism palatable to the people, we may then have an opportunity to present the logical alternative of strong families, less government, and a prosperous Michigan.
I would like to take this point to present a series of comments back and forth derived from Akindele’s blog. this has been an ongoing exchange for a few days. In it, I become a little POINTED.. It is hard not to. My question, if there can be an answer, is: How do we reach through this thinking? Am I assuming this is typical thought for some in urban centers?
4:18 PM
7:11 PM
7:01 AM
If your currently known poor were to become rich through increased effort and a little good fortune, would you tell them they must return to their previously disadvantaged state?
8:20 PM
2:33 PM
I have WHEN POSSIBLE done what I could, to assist those close to me (friends, family and neighbors) I alone should be able to determine if they are truly in need or have made poor choices which temporarily sets them back when it comes to providing from my hard work, and IF I can truly afford the assistance given.
As a result of my own efforts two families have homes they would not have otherwise, my employees now have insurance that essentially amounted to a pay cut for my wife and I. (we still make less than most GM autoworkers) Yet I still have to involuntarily contribute to welfare programs which have little result other than to foster more dependence on government and break up family and local support systems.
Morality cannot be delivered by people who promise from the wallet of others. It is best served with dignity by those who know those weak and poor persons, and can truly uplift the those who need to a higher level.
3:28 PM
7:15 PM
Human rights are given by GOD. We are born with them. Poor or Rich has NO bearing on our argument. Is it the will of GOD that you have the right to usurp from your fellow man that which he has earned, or been blessed with?
We are all born. We all Die. We exist with the same rights, and same opportunity to be great or weak. Our lives are sometimes not fair, but that is GOD’s will.
I saw a home makeover program on TV the other night. The show is about going around and helping people rebuild a house, and in the process improve their lot in life.
The show itself demonstrates two things: 1. That there are people who’s life can be savaged, then salvaged. 2. That Corporate profits can drive good deeds.
Also.. The most recent show had a man who was unfortunate enough to have been born with NO eyes, was crippled, and living was a task for him and his parents. HE WAS INCREDIBLE. He had his mind, Spirit, a strong belief, and could sing and play like the most talented musician. If the record company execs take a look, I will buy his album (though he is not selling one)
My point is. You can relegate yourself or the poor to “victim” status in an unfair disposition of talent, looks, wealth or where you are born, or… You can seek to enlighten the down trodden that there is a chance they can provide better for themselves by a little extra effort, or looking for a way to enhance talent they may have.
Taking from one to give to another.. Is wrong. Is immoral. Will do nothing to improve anyones self respect, dignity.
12:27 PM
Morality teaches that the rich should support the poor – the strong should support the weak – You mention God & if you were a Christian you should understand that Biblical principle – Biblical Economics is based upon sharing resources – if people are equal then that equality should extend into their economic state
Our system only makes $ on the labor of workers & the exploitation of the poor
Our system is based upon the stolen land of the 1st Nation People and the predominant slave labor of Black Afrikans
Our system is immoral because of these current & historic practices –
It is economic justice to take $ from the rich to meet the basic human survival needs of other humans who happen to be poor & needy
Taking $ from the rich to meet the basic survival needs of the poor will allow other humans to survive
2:09 PM
And as far as the Slavery which you claim this land is founded on.. perhaps there is NOTHING anyone could do to satisfy your need for reparations. Does not a Christian believe Jesus gave his life for us to allow us to be forgiven? Should we continue to pay for the atrocities by those who may or may not be our fathers? To What end?
Look inward. It is not the exploitation of the poor which may hold you down, but rather exploitation of the idea that it is moral to put a gun to one mans head to feed another.
The standard of living in this country for even the poorest is higher than in most countries around the world. You lie to yourself thinking we would do well to follow the lead of socialism.
It is time for you to mature philosophically. Your ability to converse on this topic in the manner (created by capitalism) we have, shows you have some resource, So you are apparently not speaking for yourself when talking of the needy.
And before you suggest I do not know what being poor is like, you should understand I have lived many stages in my life. When I was down, I had more reason to pick myself up. Christmas was Cereal Boxes wrapped so there was something under the tree. I did not however reach out to government though I could have. It would have been all to easy to fall into the trap many of the poor will.
4:32 PM
If the Bible “Judeo-Christian” Holy Book is the foundation of morality in which the US is based – were the Children of Israel wrong to TAKE reparations from the Black Afrikan Egyptians after serving them as slaves?
Does God care less for the poor because they are poor?
Morality means ethically correct
Our economic system is immoral as demonstrated by its treatment of poor people
5:46 PM
And if we are born poor it is OUR responsibility to OURSELVES to lift ourselves up. It sometimes involves CREATIVITY, and it sometimes involves LUCK.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE however should it involve enslaving of another human to make our own life better.
Taxation to “equalize” is the same as putting a gun to one man’s head and forcing him to capitulate to another man’s will, and provide for the other man. It IS SLAVERY pure and simple. And I would be surprised if you felt SLAVERY was moral.
Socialism to solve the woes of the poor is LAZY thought. It is easy to fall into FEELING BAD for one’s brother, but aren’t we all better off TEACHING our brother how to be independent? To Fish…?
6:31 AM
2:37 PM
Just who do YOU think YOU are? you have no basis of authority on me, my brother, GOD, or anyone.
THAT SIR, IS IMMORAL. You would make poor and unfit those who are not already, so it serves your particular need to feel good, or that you have done the RIGHT thing for your fellow man.
You need to find the intellectual and moral integrity to look at the proof and understand that it will be your brother’s decision who he will help, who he should help, and the reasons for it.
It is people’s thinking such as yours which elects fraud into our system under the premise of helping those who are needy. Yet you are then too blind to see that they CAUSE the problems they are brought to serve.
Equalization of human economic prosperity is the most historically documented as a failed ideal on this world. It has created FAMINE in Africa, shortages of food in Russia and elsewhere, and Broken up families in Cuba, and YOU wish to copy this?
Yes, you have misled yourself.
I could pity you. I could pity the community who has to deal with your vote, your ideas. It is a mental sickness. I will now try twice as hard to make sure you understand why you are wrong.
I have hope too.
I have hope that people begin to use the facility endowed upon them by their creator to better themselves. to bring about personal change which will allow them to create a better world. A better world not by taking and redistributing, but rather by building our personal well being and allowing FULL participation in the building process, so that All benefit.
You can start too. Bring up your brother by showing him how to do something he doesn’t know. Expand the strength of your community from within, not by taking from another. Build infrastructure by teaching self reliance, and strength of character.
My hope is you can become a part of it. You seem to have resolve, but it is slightly mis-directed… at this time.
7:02 AM
I clearly did not imply that
The Bible states that God uses the poor to show His glory
The rich should $ higher taxes to help meet the basic needs of the poor if necessary
The reasons why rich people fight to maintain their unequal & inequitable advantage are they are greedy & selfish & can $ to protect their $
Chile – El Salvador – Nicaragua – private armies $ by illegal drug $
Our economic system is immoral
God created all people – God didn’t want people separated into economic classes – the Bible defines an economic system that causes economic equality – God’s true followers seek to treat God’s creation as equal brothers & sisters that includes a concern for the economic state of all people equally
You are making something good – concern for the poor – into something bad –
So you can fight for the minority Wealthy rulers
2:14 PM
Concern for the poor is not BAD. However your method for helping them is flawed.
ENVY for what another has is Immoral at best, (some consider a mortal sin) and at worst leads to thievery whether by state or individual in the name of “equality.”
That thinking is a sickness.
Again, concern for the poor is not BAD, but your method for helping them is flawed. Bring them up by showing a path to riches through work and a solid family structure as support for them while they build their own way forward.
New riches come from real productivity. A productive society can more readily provide for the indigent and unable. Real productivity is not allowed in socialist environments.
You fight only to defeat your own goals. It is time for you to stop.. and think.. think hard of what you want, and then discover there are ways, and then even better ways, but certainly not by enslaving those you envy.