The Republican candidates in no particular order…
John (the Sheriff) McCain.. Bold, doesn’t take crap, makes people angry and is proud of it, and supports suppression of free speech. If not, then he is ignorant of the effect of legislation bearing his name. Straight talking stupid.
Mitt Romney… Business leader, former governor, and has shown he can also bend to the will of the populists to get things done… probably the most presidential.. because he will cave to things like some form of “universal (rob the rich) health care.”
Mike Huckabee… Strong 2nd amendment supporter, hates the IRS, he looks to be neither scary nor proselytizing, but there is something… wrong here.. is it the toupee?
Fred Thompson… Looks presidential, actor from a high profile show, and actually says the right things for the conservative side, but for some reason is like a high horsepower car with bald tires.. Oh my did I say that? Might actually make a good candidate for the GOP.
Ron Paul… Understands and supports the U.S. constitution’s ideals better than any of the other candidates, not pragmatic and well timed, I hope he stays till the end, but needs to press domestic economic issues where he is better respected. If he stops talking about the middle east for 5 minutes he may pick up 10 points.
However, for Michigan’s future, it really wouldn’t matter whom takes the oval office if they are even able to beat the Dem candidate. recent US presidents have never been able to say no to enough spending anyhow. On the federal level, Washington will continue to lay claim to the fruits of our labor until we are ready to lay off the promise of entitlements and FIRE the spenders.
Michigan DOES have the opportunity to seek real fiscally responsible legislators however, and should look for those who aren’t afraid to deny Lansing our extremely hard earned resources. The Republicans need to do more towards spending reduction and restraint of their Demograb counterparts, or they will lose because they are seen as the same.