Michigan Could Follow California's Environmental Lead.. NOT

You may not be aware, but we are currently hiring the Center for Climate Strategies to assist in developing policy related to emissions, and storage/handling of our emissions….

California has used this group to assist in it’s enviro-policy  development as well.  Also California certainly has taken the lead in higher taxes, restrictive emissions standards, and IMO anything BAD that is related to public policy. (Yeah I know..  a broad brush..)  Energy Policy for California is pretty much summed up by author Thomas Tanton, who fills in the blanks for those of you not paying attention

The Jen Meister is taking us further down the trail, and AUTOMAKERS should beware…  As the policies for Michigan are “developed,” by those with a particular enviro-bent with NO Legislative or citizen oversight, we will “foot” the bill eventually.  Climate Strategies Watch, a watchdog group has a description of who the Center for Climate strategies is at their site.

I know I have Brought this up in prior posts, but felt it is imperative to keep clanging the bell.  Please follow the links and know our enemy who is not only at the gates, but sitting in our living room sipping a colada.