Challenging Michigan's Welfare System.

“Morality cannot be delivered by people who promise from the wallet of others.” – JGillman

This quote reflects a response to an opinion in a comment on Akindele F. Akinyemi ‘s Blog. The opinion of the commenter (not Akindele) was our economic system is immoral – it values rich people over poor people – morality states that the rich should assist the poor – the strong should assist the weak.” Though hard to argue the virtue of helping the needy, morals are dependent on too many variables to be assigned to such a simplistic attitude.. particularly when it involves redistribution of personal wealth.

As I had mentioned in an earlier post, I am aware of a woman who has been able to provide for herself and family, yet has made the decision to break her family structure up to adhere to the requirements established by the state of Michigan to receive the welfare which keeps her family apart. Is this the role our government must play? Is Michigan’s social system better suited to provide for the well being of it’s citizens than strong families and communities who KNOW the people who really need?

Without the hammer of government, privately funded charities, local organizations, and churches who have a stake in the communities they serve would be better funded through private donations. Families would be solidified as the rewards for bad decision making disappear.

A large part of Michigan’s budget is allocated to welfare and related programs that only perpetuate “poor” choices and living. Michigan taxes are used to provide a vehicle for abuse in some regard, and a vehicle to disrespecting the truly needful in others. Reform is needed and necessary.